VSA Guardians 2023-2024 Tryout Information
$10 tryout fee
April 30th is cutoff for playing age in 2024 | Advanced 9-year-olds may try out for 10U | Potential to play up depending on skill level and numbers at each level | Only need to be at one tryout date
If you cannot make any of the below dates, please contact CJ Koehler at cj.koehler@valleysports.academy
Tuesday, August 1st
Tuesday, August 1st
Wednesday, August 2nd
Thursday, August 3rd
Friday August 4th
9/10U &11/12U 9:00-10:00 AM
13U & 14/15U 10:30-11:30 PM

2023-2024 Guardians Baseball Investment: $2,000 for entire season (Payment plans are available)
If you cannot make any of the above tryout dates, please contact CJ Koehler at cj.koehler@valleysports.academy
Fall (September-November) (~32 hours of practice/training)
- 2 practices per week at VSA
- Potential of 1 Fall Tournament
- November Training Sessions (Speed/Agility)
- November Small Group Hitting Training
- 45-minute small group Hitting sessions once a week
Winter (January-March) (24 hours of practice/training excluding Winter League)
- 1 practice per week at VSA ▪ Practice will also include weight room trainings and mental performance classes
- 60-75 minutes of Baseball
- 30 minutes in Weight room
- 15 minutes Mental Performance
- Winter League at VSA (One game a week January-March)
- Possible indoor Winter Tournament
Spring/Summer (April-July)
- 1-2 practices per week (3-4 hours per week)
- Minimum of 6 Tournaments
- Dates TBD
VSA Director of Baseball (CJ Koehler) and General Manager (Chase Hoople) will run the day-to-day operations of VSA Baseball which include but are not limited to:
- Creating and Scheduling Clinics, Camps, Programs, Leagues, Showcases and Lessons
- Communicate with Local Youth and High School Baseball Organizations
- Develop Training Programs
- Grow relationships with community partners
- Organize Travel and Tournaments for Guardians Travel Teams
VSA will also have other staff to assist with Travel Teams, Lessons, Development and Other training opportunities. The staff will include but is not limited to:
- Drew Steinmetz (Former Madison College Player and Assistant Coach)- VSA Hitting Coordinator and Player Development
- Steph Scatassa (Former St. Mary’s Pitcher and Current UWEC Pitching Coach)- VSA Pitching Coordinator
- Adam LaRock (Former University of Iowa, Madison College and UW-Milwaukee Player)- VSA Coach/Instructor
- Ben Danielson (Former Minnesota Duluth Player- VSA Instructor/Coach
- Jake Nelson (Current Northern Illinois University Husky, former Madison College and Altoona HS Player)- VSA Coach/Instructor
- The purpose of the Guardian Baseball program is to train and develop athletes on and off the field.
- We will push the athletes on and off the field to challenge themselves to get the most out of them.
- We will do this while creating an inclusive, engaging learning environment.
- To help athletes improve their individual baseball skills while also allowing them to understand a TEAM mentality.
- Ultimately, we want to prepare each athlete for their next level whether that is 10U, High School, College, or trade school.
- Everyone in the program will treat equipment at VSA, other facilities and venues with respect and will always leave the area cleaner than we found it
- Players will be responsible for making sure they have the equipment needed for each practice, training, game, tournament, etc.
- We expect Guardian Baseball players to be on time and efficient with time at all practices, trainings and games
- Players will hustle at all times at games and practices
- Players will be respectful to all coaches, umpires, opponents, parents, etc.
- Attire: practice clothes at VSA is t-shirt, pants and hat
During the Game
- Each player will represent the program, team and their family respectfully and with pride.
- Everyone will run on and off the field between innings and before and after a game.
- Players that are currently in the game need to stay prepared for action by staying focused and loose. Everyone will have a duty to perform throughout each game.
- Every player has a role and a job during the game and it is their job to hold themselves and teammates accountable.
- Everyone will shake hands with our opponents with class and sportsmanship.
Absences and Tardiness
- We understand players and families are busy but if you are unable to make a game or tournament please let your coach know as soon as can and preferably a minimum of 48 hours before the event. We understand family emergencies or illness may pop up, but please keep coaches in the loop.
- Players may be in other sports and off-season training and practices may not be 100% attended but for athletes to receive the best results from this program it is suggested to make it to as many training/practices as possible. If you will not make a training/practice please notify your coach.
- Continued missed trainings or practices could potentially affect playing time in tournaments
Team Violation
- These are violations that do not follow the basic team rules of being respectful, responsible, and trying your best. Examples of this would be swearing, throwing a helmet, not hustling in practice, and others determined by the coaches. These violations will be dealt with by the coaching staff.
- Communication will come via the coaches. Be sure to check group texts or emails for the most updated information regarding practices, training, games, etc.
- Parents: if there is an issue that you would like to discuss with one of the coaches, please do not come and talk to one of the coaches during a game or practice.
- Please leave 24 hours after every game or practice before talking to the coaches
Guardians Discount
- 20% off anything VSA • Includes apparel
- Purchases on Upperhand for future use such as cage rentals, camps, clinics, leagues, etc.
Stay to Play Tournaments
- Many tournament venues increasingly require teams to “Stay to Play,” which means that teams must select lodging from a designated list of approved hotels and/or make reservations through specific links. VSA will communicate when a tournament is a Stay to Play tournament and provide further information on booking hotels. Families are expected to follow Stay to Play guidelines, or they can be subject to team fines imposed by the tournament host. If a tournament is not Stay to Play, families are welcome to choose lodging of their choice and/or coordinate with team members to book blocks at hotels.