Guardians soccer players officially wrap up their fall soccer season on October 20th . It was a great first soccer season for the players with each team finding joy and success on the field. Each team this season (10u-14u) competed in the NWCL and played between 6-8 games throughout the fall season. All three teams also competed in at least one fall tournament – NSC Fall Cup & Border Cup. Below is how each team finished up this season and their highlights:
10u Guardians (Head coach David Drafton): 10u Guardians finished with an overall record of 6-4-2 for the Fall 2022 Season. 10u Guardians finished the season strong at the Border Cup tournament with two wins and a draw out of three games, giving them the best record in their bracket and going undefeated. They conceded only two goals all tournament, and scored 6 goals! In the NWCL 10u Guardians finished with a record of 4-2!
12u Guardians (Head coach Chris Brooke): 12u Guardians finished with an overall record of 4-2-1 for the Fall 2022 Season. 12u Guardians played great at the NSC Fall Cup with a record of 1-1-1.  12u Guardians ended the season strong with a big win over a rival team winning 5-0! In the NWCL they finished with a record of 3-2!

14u Guardians (Head coach Emmanuel Boamah): 14u Guardians finished the fall season with a record of 7-3-4. They finished second in the NWCL with scoring a whopping 41 goals and only letting in 4 goals in the league. 14u Guardians competed well at the NSC Fall Cup leaving the last game with a tie against a top team from St. Paul. 14u Guardians ended the season at Border Cup finishing fourth out of six teams in their bracket! The ended with a record of 6-0-2 in league play.

Guardians soccer players will take a break this winter and come back early spring to begin preparations for the Spring 2023 soccer season!

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