Survey Please select your Player's Team(Required)2013/14 GRAY2013/14 BLUE2012 GRAY2011 GRAY2011 BLUE2011 WHITE2010 GRAY2010 BLUE2009 GRAY2009 BLUE2009 WHITE2008 GRAY2008 BLUE16U BOYS10U GIRLS12U GIRLSSo far, please rate your satisfaction with the Guardians Program overall.(Required) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Other So far, please rate your satisfaction with the Guardians on-ice practices.(Required) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Other So far, please rate your satisfaction with the Guardians and VSA Coaching staff.(Required) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Other Please rate your satisfaction with the level of communication you are receiving from our VSA staff and Guardians Coaches.(Required) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Other Are you interested in organized team pictures?(Required) Very Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested Please rate your interest level in a Fall Guardians season?(Required) Very Interested Somewhat Interested Not Interested If not interested, we would love your feedback on why.If you are interested in a Fall Guardians season, which dates work best for tournaments? (Check all dates that apply)(Required) August 12-14 August 19-21 August 26-29 September 9-11 Not Interested If you are interested in a Fall Guardian Season, how many tournaments would you prefer?(Required) 1 2 3 Not Interested Are you interested in Guardians teams traveling to destination tournaments?(Required) Yes No If you chose No, we would love your feedback on why.If yes, which cities would be of interest to you to play a tournament in? Las Vegas, Nevada Dallas, Texas Nashville Tennessee Boston, Massachusetts Other:Are you registered for our Summer Skills Program?(Required) Yes No If yes, what intrigued you?If you chose No, we would love your feedback on why. Cost too high Registered for a different program Too much time commitment Other Do you have any other comments, suggestions or questions for us? Δ